Flower Project: first newsletter is out!

About the project

The FLOWER Project is a transformative initiative focused on improving the well-being, health, and social inclusion of frail older people by reconnecting them with nature. Through guided activities, workshops, and online resources, the project aims to strengthen nature-related competences and empower older individuals, their families, and informal caregivers. By promoting accessibility, intergenerational connections, and environmental care, the project seeks to create a world where frail older people can spend more time in nature, leading to improved well-being, greater social interactions, and increased awareness of sustainability and nature conservation.

Main objectives of the project:
Promote social inclusion and participation, enhancing the general wellbeing and health of frail older people.
1. Raise awareness of sustainability and the importance of nature conservation.
2. Provide accessible and flexible learning opportunities, empowering older people and bringing together different generations.

Key project results:

  • Guided activities and workshops in nature for frail elderly individuals and their informal caregivers.
  • Development of online learning resources, including videos, audios, workbooks, cards, and games tailored to frail older people.
  • Sharing facts, tips, and tricks for enjoying nature in an accessible way, emphasizing the benefits for frail older individuals.
  • Creation of creative and meaningful activities that can be done together in nature, stimulating the senses and fostering social cohesion between generations.

What we’ve done so far: 

Project Highlights: Our team has analyzed and gathered the bestpractices on nature-related activities for frail older people and theirinformal caregivers. These practices aim to foster increased socialinclusion, enhanced well-being, and improved health within our belovedcommunity.

Empowering Sustainability: In alignment with our commitment toenvironmental care, we have thoroughly examined and documented thebest practices on educating green skills and nature-related competences. 

Live Project Meeting in Amsterdam: The FLOWER Project officially setsail with our first live project meeting held in Amsterdam in May.

Upcoming Activities:

Co-design and Co-creation: Going full steam ahead, we are setting upinnovative co-design and co-creation methods. These will ensure that ourexperiences and resources are tailored to the specific needs and desires offrail older people and their informal caregivers.

Focus Group Sessions: In the coming months, we will be organizing threefocus group sessions with frail older people and their informal caregivers ineach partner country. With a maximum of 6-8 participants per session, wewill share the gathered best practices and engage in more in-depthdiscussions. These sessions will give the target group the opportunity toshare their needs, wishes, and barriers, with a strong focus on overcomingchallenges and finding sustainable solutions.

This newsletter is available in:


Picture: Rita Seneca on Unsplash