Flower project: read our second newsletter

We are delighted to share a brief update on the significant steps we’ve made together in the FLOWER project and offer a glimpse into our future endeavours. 

We’ve gathered good practices on nature related activities 

Over the recent months, our collective efforts have been devoted to exploring and gathering valuable insights and best practices related to nature-based activities for frail older individuals and their caregivers. Our focus has been on enhancing social inclusion, wellbeing, and health through meaningful engagement with nature. 

In all of the four European countries participating in the project—Italy, Spain, the Netherlands, and Slovenia—we collected and analysed 24 best practice cases. These cases highlighted successful experiences that significantly improved the well-being and quality of life for older adults and their caregivers. Analysed and mapped current best practices in all partner countries are available here

Co-creation workshops

We engaged directly with our target audience through threeco-creation workshops organized in each partner country.These sessions served as a platform to share collected bestpractices and engage in profound discussions. Our goal wasto understand needs, desires, and challenges of frail olderpeople and their informal caregivers, emphasizingovercoming obstacles and finding sustainable solutions. Find out more about implemented Co-creation workshops here!

Best practices and co-design – International report on co-creation sessions

The valuable input we gathered in those co-creation sessionshas come together in our international report. This report is adetailed collection of the positive impacts we’ve discovered,covering physical, psychological, emotional, and social well-being. It highlights successful cases from different countriesinvolved in the project. The analysis of the activitiesimplemented in the cases allows the partners and other usersto define a set of training content areas, which could serve asa reference to define specific educational materials andtraining courses for frail older people and their informalcaregivers. For more detailed insights, explore our International report on co-creation sessions on ourproject website.

Upcoming initiatives

An infographic is being prepared by Spanish partnerCEOMA, bringing the best practices and co-design resultstogether in one overview. It will be used for promotion and toincrease the awareness on the importance of frail olderpeople to engage in nature. Infographic will be available soonso stay tuned. 

As the project continues, our focus now shifts to thedevelopment of a toolkit enriched with blended learningmaterials. This toolkit will be designed to empower frail olderindividuals and their caregivers, fostering meaningfulengagement with nature and contributing to increased socialinclusion, wellbeing, and health.

Guided Nature Workshops: In the final leg of our journey,we will breathe life into these resources through guidednature workshops. These workshops aim to enhance thenature-based competences of 300 frail older individuals andtheir caregivers. The knowledge gained will be transformedinto comprehensive guidelines for organisations acrossEurope, which will increase the impact of our project.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however thoseof the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union orthe European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither theEuropean Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

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Picture: Rita Seneca on Unsplash