Slovenia: Enhancing elderly well-being through nature-based activities with FLOWER project

In June 2024, Development Centre of the Heart of Slovenia organized a series of workshops under the FLOWER project, targeting frail older people and both formal and informal caregivers. The project’s primary goal is to encourage seniors to spend more time in nature, promoting well-being, better health, and social inclusion. By enhancing the natural competencies of the elderly and their caregivers, the FLOWER project equips them with valuable knowledge, skills, and activities related to nature.

To achieve these objectives, we developed and tested various nature-based activities in collaboration with our partners. Feedback from frail older people and their caregivers has helped to improve and strengthen these activities.

During the testing phase, Development Centre of the Heart of Slovenia conducted four innovative workshops:

Virtual nature experience through VR glasses

“Discover nature through VR glasses” workshop, which utilized VR glasses, was particularly moving for both the elderly participants and their caregivers. The immersive virtual experience brought some participants to tears. Caregivers recognized VR glasses as an excellent tool to bring nature closer to seniors who, due to illness, are no longer mobile and cannot physically enjoy the natural environment. VR glasses provide an excellent alternative, allowing these individuals to virtually visit natural landscapes from their beds.

Participants were thrilled with the experience, as it virtually transported them to different environments and countries they can’t visit in real life. For example, many participants hadn’t been to the seaside for a long time, and with VR glasses, they stood by the seaside, listened to the animals, watched the waves, and walked by the lake. This emotional and valuable experience evoked moments of nostalgia and joy, perhaps reminding them of past family visits to the sea or cherished moments with loved ones.

Plant exchange, gardening, and plant care

Those workshops began with a brief educational session on plant care, emphasizing the key aspects of nurturing plants. Participants then actively engaged in gardening, mixing soil in small pots, adding fertilizer, and planting bush tomatoes. These tomatoes are ideal for pot planting and perfect for seniors, as they can be grown both outdoors and indoors.

After planting the tomatoes, participants exchanged seeds of thyme, marigolds, and daisies. Each senior chose their favourite flower and planted it in a small pot. However, the activity didn’t end there; the elderly now has the responsibility of caring for these plants daily to ensure they thrive and bloom.

The workshop was very well received, especially since it was held in a local elderly home. For many residents, gardening and plant care were significant parts of their past. Since they are now living in an elderly home, they no longer engage in such activities as often and miss the environment where they once lived and created. Bringing these activities to them rekindled cherished memories and provided joy.

Importance and impact of the workshops

These workshops were incredibly valuable for the participants as they encouraged socialization, both intergenerationally and within their peer groups, which is crucial for social inclusion. Through activities involving touch, smell, sight, and movement, participants relived moments from their past, recalling days when they tended to their gardens. This sensory engagement awakened positive feelings and provided a therapeutic connection to their earlier lives.

The VR session, in particular, was a powerful tool for evoking positive emotions and memories. By showcasing places, the participants hadn’t visited in a long time or had never seen, such as the seaside, it gave them a sense of adventure and nostalgia. These virtual visits provided emotional enrichment, reminding them of happy times spent with family or loved ones.

The success of these workshops highlights the significant benefits of nature-based activities for frail older adults. Being outside in nature, or even virtually experiencing it, offers numerous psychological and emotional benefits. For seniors with mobility issues, these workshops provide creative and meaningful ways to engage with nature, either by bringing it indoors or making outdoor activities more accessible.

By promoting creative activities that stimulate the senses and foster social connections between generations, we can enhance the well-being of elderly individuals and their caregivers.

Through these initiatives, the FLOWER project aspires to create lasting positive changes, fostering a deeper connection with nature and enhancing overall well-being. The enthusiastic participation and positive feedback suggest that similar events could become regular fixtures, providing continuous opportunities for self-care, emotional enrichment, and mutual support among participants.